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G4 Blanco Tequila

Bottle of G4 Blanco Tequila with a dark blue label, sitting on a wooden table, in front of a mixed white and wooden background

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G4 Blanco Tequila


About G4 Blanco Tequila

G4 Blanco Tequila is produced by G4 Tequila – a Los Altos de Jalisco based brand that carries on a family legacy. Founded by Felipe Camarena, who is a third-generation tequila maker, G4 mixes traditional methods with modern innovation to create an elegant, authentic product. The fourth generation that the brand name refers to are Felipe’s sons, Alan and Luis Felipe.

The agave is grown on their own ranch, slow-cooked, crushed with a mechanical tahona, and then fermented in open-air vats. Next, it is double distilled in copper stills.

G4 takes pride in the fact that they only use three ingredients, which are agave, water, and yeast. The water comes from a mixture of  rainwater and spring water. This particular bottle of Blanco Tequila is unaged before bottling.

Bottle Specs

❖  ABV: 40%

❖ Distillery: El Pandillo

❖ Aging: none

❖ Price Point: lower moderate price

My Tasting notes

The aroma of this tequila was clean and mellow. I didn’t detect clear nose notes, but there was an overall freshness to the scent.

Bottle of G4 Tequila with only the dark blue label showing, next to a short rounded tequila sipper glass with clear liquid, both sitting on a wooden table

My first sip had quite a bit of heat, especially on the tongue, but did not feel harsh. The flavor struck me as very clean and neutral, with an ambiguous sweetness in the finish. After a few sips, I could detect a hint of agave, though the plant-like qualities of agave somehow were softened. Though I often prefer tequilas that are flavorful and interesting, there was something very nice about the clean, neutral taste that created a feeling of tranquility.


A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon the story of the Vampiro, which is a cocktail invented by Oscar Hernández, and sold at his street stand near Lake Chalapa, Jalisco. Although he doesn’t disclose the exact ratios of his ingredients, lots of people seem to have put their own spin on the recipe over the years. I thought it would be a really fun way to put G4 Blanco Tequila to the test.

Funnily enough, I couldn’t find a single recipe online that contains all the same ingredients that Hernández claims to use, which are tequila, lime, orange juice, squirt, sangrita, and salt. Therefore, I had to take my own stab at the ingredient amounts! And of course, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to serve something in the classic Mexican drinking bag, instead of a boring old glass.

Yield: 1 drink


sandwich size plastic bag halfway filled with bright orange red liquid with a clear plastic straw, being held up by a hand above a wooden table



  1. Prior to preparing the cocktail, make sure the mixer ingredients are sufficiently chilled in the fridge.
  2. Pour the ingredients directly into a glass or plastic drinking bag.
  3. If using a bag, position your straw in the center, and tie off the ends of the bag to secure it.


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Inside of a cocktail, G4 Blanco was very smooth and clean. Although it let the mixers shine, it seemed to bring a mellowness to the overall flavor, much like a bay leaf would do for a sauce. It definitely enhanced my experience of the cocktail, compared to the test run I had done with a different tequila.

Bottom Line


Overall, I really enjoyed this bottle of G4 Blanco Tequila. I admit, I had pretty high expectations, since this brand is a favorite amongst tequila nerds. The flavor was much more neutral than I was expecting, strangely more neutral than most vodkas I have tried. That said, I do think this will become an unassuming favorite in my liquor cabinet. The cleanness is just so refreshing!

I would definitely recommend this bottle if you are looking to upgrade your basic mixing tequila to something higher quality and made without additives. It’s especially good for folks who don’t like to taste the alcohol in a drink. It this sounds like what you’re looking for, do yourself a favor and pick up a bottle of G4 Blanco.

As always, drink responsibly.

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