Naranja Licor de Naranja Orange Liqueur is produced by La Madrileña, a distillery in Tototlan, Jalisco. First distilled in 1933, this product began as Controy – a now famous Mexican orange liqueur modeled after Cointreau. Though it used to only be available in Mexico, the liqueur became available in the U.S. as Naranja in 2013. The name was changed for legal reasons, but only in the U.S. market. Although the true origin of the Margarita cocktail is hotly debated, some claim that the first Margarita included Controy, which the brand has greatly emphasized in their advertising. It is made with a neutral cane spirit base. Although they are […]
Casa D’Aristi Narano Bitter Orange Liqueur is produced by Casa D’Aristi – a craft distillery and producer of artisan liqueurs in Mérida, Yucatan. Founded in 1935, Casa D’Aristi is most known for their flagship anise and honey liqueur called Xtabentún, which is based on Mayan Blaché. They carry a range of liqueur products also including guanababa, coconut, and bitter orange. All Casa D’Aristi products are advertised as additive-free and contain no artificial flavorings. This particular bottle of Narano Bitter Orange Liqueur is made using both sweet oranges and bitter Seville oranges (also called Narano Agria). The sweet oranges are […]
Bols Triple Sec is produced by Lucas Bols N.V., an Amsterdam based company with roots dating back to the late 1500s. In fact, the House of Bols Distillery is considered on of the oldest running distillery in the world. The Bols brand produces a variety of spirits including Genevers, Liqueurs, and more. This particular bottle of Bols Triple Sec uses Curaçao orange peels and other citrus for flavoring. Although Bols is a bit secretive about their exact recipe and production, triple secs are generally made using a neutral alcohol. BOTTLE SPECS ❖ ABV: 21% ❖ Distillery: House of Bols ❖ Aging: N/A ❖ Price Point: low price MY TASTING NOTES […]
Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge is produced by Marnier Lapostolle, a france-based company with roots dating back to 1827. In 1876, Louis-Alexandre Marnier married into the Lapostolle family, who had already been operating a distillery near Paris. Marnier would soon transform their legacy with his creation of the cognac-based orange liqueur. Grand Marnier is currently produced at Château de Bourg-Charente in the Cognac region of France.
This liqueur is made with bitter oranges of the Citrus Bigaradia variety, which are picked green. After being dried in the sun, the orange peels are macerated in neutral alcohol, and then distilled using a slow […]
Cointreau is produced by Rémy Cointreau, a Paris-based company that was founded in 1990 as a result of a merger. The liqueur itself, however, dates back to 1885 when the Cointreau family perfected its signature beverage in Angers, France. According to the official Cointreau website, the flavor of this liqueur was three times as concentrated as other liqueurs of the time period, while also being less sweet. To […]