IC Iced Peppermint Bark Spiked Latte is produced by C&L Imports – a Maryland-based company that works with a variety of different spirits brands. The IC Iced brand includes a variety of spiked coffee products, many of which are geared towards holiday and seasonal flavors. This particular bottle of Peppermint Bark Spiked Latte is made using a grape wine base, and includes what the brand describes as “natural flavors” and caramel color. One can assume the flavors include coffee, chocolate, and peppermint, although specific ingredients are not specified. BOTTLE SPECS ❖ ABV: 14% ❖ Distillery: Undisclosed ❖ Aging: N/A ❖ Price Point: lower […]
As much as I love mixing up a tasty drink, every once in a while it’s nice to take the easy road and grab a pre-made cocktail. This summer, Mile High Spirits was kind enough to send us this bottle of Fireside Old Fashioned as well as a bottle of their flagship Fireside Bourbon (stay tuned!). Since we’re always looking for good craft distillery products, we were excited and intrigued to taste these out for ourselves and see if they’re any good. Fireside Old Fashioned is a bottled pre-made Old Fashioned cocktail produced by Mile High Spirits – a Denver-based craft distillery that makes a variety of spirits such as whiskey, gin, vodka, and […]
As I became more interested in spirits in the past few years, I noticed a steady increase in pre-made cocktails for pretty much any classic cocktail. I didn’t pay too much attention to these products while I focused on making cocktails, until I came across Batch & Bottle Scotch Manhattan. There are currently four cocktails from Batch & Bottle, all featuring spirits from the William Grant & Sons portfolio: Glenfiddich Scotch Manhattan, Reyka Rhubarb Cosmopolitan, Hendrick’s Gin Martini and Monkey Shoulder Lazy Old Fashioned. I’ve previously reviewed and enjoyed three out of the four base spirits for these cocktails, so the Scotch […]