FAIR Cafe Liqueur is produced by FAIR, a France-based brand in the Congac region that creates a variety of spirits including liqueurs, vodka, rum, and gin. FAIR takes great pride in the fact that their ingredients are sourced using fair trade practices which support farming communities in other countries.This particular bottle of FAIR Cafe Liqueur is made with Arabica coffee beans from a local co-op in Mexico, as well as fair trade certified sugar. After a slow roasting process, the coffee beans are then macerated for three weeks in a vodka base before bottling. BOTTLE SPECS ❖ ABV: 22% ❖ Distillery: Undisclosed ❖ Aging: N/A ❖ Price […]
One of the biggest gaps in my cocktail making adventures is coffee liqueur. In the past, I’ve found coffee liqueurs to be a bit too sweet, so I grew to prefer spirit forward or citrus cocktails. But, Mr Black Coffee Liqueur gave me a great excuse to step out of my comfort zone, since it is advertised as a coffee-forward liqueur. Mr Black is a cold brew coffee liqueur from Distillery Botanica, an Australian distillery owned and operated by Philip Moore. Along with Tom Baker, Moore wanted to create a coffee liqueur that reflects Australia’s passionate coffee culture, and they take pride in hand bottling each bottle in their coffee roastery[…]